Bibi Zuigfles Hp Play With Us 260ml
Bottles bibi®
Happiness all-in-1
Baby bottles all-in-1 bibi® Happiness combine impeccable quality and comfort suction maximum thanks to a well thought-out.
1 protection Cap
You can control the amount of beverage that your baby does not drink
Extremely handy also as cup
2 Ring screw
Ring with elegant lines
3 Nipple
Contributes to the well-being of the baby when he drinks
Soft, rounded and wide, the silicone teat is reminiscent of the breast of mom
Wide support surface for a natural positioning of the lips ( similar to breastfeeding )
The SensoPearls® on the nipple, provide a sensation similar to the breast of mom
4 Bottle
The collar is compatible with the pump current
Surfaces anti-skid and the shape of the bottle allow for a secure grip and comfortable feeding
In resistant plastic material
5 Funnel
Very handy to quickly prepare a bottle, even at night
Useful at home as on a trip