Neroli Bio Ess Olie5ml Pranarom
The Neroli, it bears a fruit that is smaller than the sweet orange, and has a skin rougher hue of green or yellow.
Tips & Tricks:
This essential oil is sufficient in itself and may constitute a true perfume consists of a fragrance that is unique (called soliflore). 5 drops HECT Neroli in 5 ml of vegetable oil, Macadamia or apricot kernel will be used to flavor the nape of the neck, the wrists, the areas behind the ears, ...
2 drops, 3 times per day on a neutral (honey, cane sugar, vegetable oil).
Oral: ++
Dermal: ++++
Aerial distribution: +
Inhalation aerosol: -
+++++ = highly recommended (!) use with caution
Keep out of reach of young children. Is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the stated dose. Caution during pregnancy and lactation and in children under 3 years of age. Keep away from any source of heat and light.