3M3M Transpore is a band-aid hypoallergenic transparent microperforé. Designed for quick fixing and safe use of medical equipment-type drains, catheters and tubing, on fixed areas or mobile.
Transpore is a tape composed of a polyethylene support - elastic, transparent
and macroperforé - and of an adhesive layer of copolymers of acrylate hypoallergenic. The
Transpore the perspiration and natural skin and does not leave adhesive residue on the skin
at the time of ablation. The Transpore can be cut with precision and sharpness, as well in length
as in width, and is ideal for the secure attachment and quick cannulas, catheters, ... The Transpore
it can also be used for the fixation of dressings on moving parts of the body (elbow,
knee), and as compression bandage after puncture of the blood. The Transpore is radiolucent
and may be sterilized by roller, to the ETO (Steri-Vac - 55°C) (desorption ETO : 24
hours). Shelf life : 5 years at room temperature.
- 3M Transpore is translucent and easy to cut in both directions without the scissors
- Has a strong adhesivite original, resistant and elastic, it offers a great security to the bindings of material
- It is resistant to liquids but permeable for the water vapour and leaves the skin to breathe