Cica Care 12cmx15cm 66250706



Prix Selfpharma: €92.63
(tax incl.) €87.39 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product
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Step 1: wash hands before and after use. Gently clean the scar and around the skin with mild soap and rinse with warm water and clean. Completely dry the scar and the surrounding skin.

Remove the gel plate from its container. Step 2:

Cut the gel plate to adapt it to the scar, by providing a margin extending on the circumference of the skin. Remove the sheet of plastic printed.

Step 3:

Apply the gel plate, adhesive side to the scar, without stretching. If necessary, use a lightweight belt to hold the dressing CICA-CARE in place. The first two days use CICA-CARE only 4 hours per day. The following two days, wear the CICA-CARE 8 hours per day. Increase the duration of 2 hours per day up to at least 12 hours per day. If it is possible, wear the CICA-CARE 24 hours per day.

Step 4:

Wash CICA-CARE, scar and the rim of skin at least once a day with mild soap and clean, warm water. Wipe off with a towel.

Step 5:

When the dressing CICA-CARE begins to wear or becomes difficult to clean (usually after 14 to 28 days), it should be replaced. Used properly, the plates give visible results after 2 to 4 months.

Intended to enhance the appearance of scars trials on patients have medically established that CICA-CARE is effective to smoothen, soften and discolor scars that are red and protruding, recent or old, in 90% of cases.

Easy to use The gel plate adhesive CICA-CARE is soft, comfortable and easy to apply. It can be tailor-made to fit most scars. Durable and reusable, it can be worn day and night.

Self-adhesive The opposite of the CICA-CARE in contact with the skin is self-adhesive, so that its surface layer is made of a protective, non-adhesive silicone. Any secondary attachment being supeflue, the product is easy to use and promotes treatment compliance by the patient.

Sustainable membrane of silicone is the CICA-CARE dressing durable and less prone to crumble than the other plates of silicone gel.

Adaptable to forms The dressing CICA-CARE is a sheet of silicone gel marrying very well with the forms. Because it is self-adhesive, the dressing CICA-CARE can be used on almost all parts of the body, even the lobe of the ear and the sternum.

Reusable The dressing CICA-CARE is easy to wash and reusable. Once it becomes difficult to clean, usually after 28 days, they replaced it with a new piece.

With a good cost-effectiveness ratio of The dressing CICA-CARE is durable and reusable. His life, up to 28 days, gives a good cost-effectiveness.

The CICA-CARE is indicated in : the management of hypertrophic scars and chéloïdiennes (red and protruding), recent or ancient; the prevention of hypertrophic scars and chéloïdiennes (red and protruding) on the wounds closed. The dressing CICA-CARE is contra-indicated in patients with medical factors aggravating that the ability to correctly use a bandage or with dermatological problems impairing the integrity of skin areas covered. Avoid the use on open or infected wounds, as well as on skin with acne. Follow the instructions very carefully.

Do not use if the skin at the periphery of the scar or closed wound presents anomalies. Avoid using ointments or creams under the gel plate. It has been reported, in some patients, the hives on the scar and around her skin. In such a case, reduce the duration of port of CICA-CARE to 12 hours per day, alternating. If the urticaria persists, discontinue using the product and consult a doctor or other health care professional. On surgical incisions, avoid using the CICA-CARE before the stitches have been removed.

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