Push Med Poignet Splint Droite 15-17cm T2



Prix Selfpharma: €77.50
(tax incl.) €73.11 (tax excl.)
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Push med guarantees solutions for the treatment and prevention of injuries on the locomotor apparatus. Push med relieves possible pain, which increases the physical capacity of the joint.

The wrist holding the Push Med Splint is based to the wrist joint without restricting the functionality of the hand.

  • Strain complaints in the wrist extensors persistent despite therapy
  • Symptoms rheumatoid moderate to severe
  • Carpal tunnel Syndrome
  • MRL (lesions due to movement repetitive)

The wrist of maintenance can easily adjust with one hand around the forearm of the wrist joint and the hand. A circular non-elastic, so that the wrist holding fits precisely to the anatomy of the wrist joint. In this way, the flexion palmar is limited and the hand remains operational.

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