Hydroclean Advance 10,0x10,0cm 10 6097722



Prix Selfpharma: €86.95
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HydroClean advance is a dressing hydroactif composed mainly of a polyacrylate superabsorbent (SAP) included in the cellulose fibers of wood and cotton and active? by the Ringer solution.The layer in contact with the wound is composed of a textile of polypropylene, on which are placed strips of silicone to improve the prevention of adhesion to the wound.Located on the opposite side to the wound, a film of polypropylene that is impervious to water, covered with a veil of non-woven polypropylene is hydrophobic, prevents drying, premature bearing and can ensure the intake of?moisture to the wound for a duration of up?to three days.The film allows the other hand to prevent that humidification is excessive, the external face of the dressing.

The white face of the wound dressing HydroClean advance is to be applied?e on the wound, so that the inscription on the green guides?e to the top. HydroClean advance should e?be in contact with the wound bed, and?pass the?ge?surely the banks thereof. The deep wounds can e?tre treaty?es? using the dressing \" HydroClean cavity \", and then covered with e?possibly in area with HydroClean advance. HydroClean advance should e?be fixed? a? using mate?materials appropriate?s such as film polyure?thane type Hydrofilm, bands or band-aids. A renewal of the dressing should be on indication to me?medical or later apre?s three days. If the wound does?requires a moisture? important, however, it is possible that the bandage is asse?che pre?mature?- ment. In this case, HydroClean advance shall e?tre change? more eng?frequently. In the majority? cases, HydroClean advance can e?be removed? without a proble?me of the wound. If the pad attachment?re has? the wound, the wound dressing can be?tre re?humidi - fie? prior to its removal with the is?rum physiological or Ringer's solution, and then withdraws? of mania?re almost painless apre?s a few minutes.

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