Care Plus Tick-out Ticks 2 Go

Care Plus


Prix Selfpharma: €8.45
(tax incl.) €6.98 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product
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Bitten by a tick? In the first place, the tick should be removed properly and safely with the Tick Remover to Care More.

Never remove a tick with your fingernails or a tweezers and do not use the alcohol, a cigarette or a bar of soap.

The tick could enter in a state of shock and, in response, regurgitating its potential toxic substances through its saliva.

With the tweezers tick Care Plus, you will be able to remove quickly and safely the whole tick, including its head.

Grab the tick by its head with the Tick Remover as close to the skin as possible. Extract the tick by pulling gently.

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