While the function of the Push ortho Aequi was a long-term use in d?a chronic instability or for the sport, l?Aequi Flex is distinguished particularly by its flexibility and by its compression to the injured area.
Prix Selfpharma: €119.50
(tax incl.) €112.74 (tax excl.)
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Push med guarantees solutions for the treatment and prevention of injuries on the locomotor apparatus. Push med relieves possible pain, which increases the physical capacity of the joint.

The brace Push ortho Aequi has proved in recent years its effectiveness to physicians as well as users. The patented reinforcement median anchored on a reinforced shell in combination with a construction in bands non-elastic, of course, is retained in the Push Med Aequi flex.

While the function of the Push ortho Aequi was a long-term use in a chronic instability or for sport, the Aequi Flex is distinguished particularly by its flexibility and by its compression to the injured area. The bandage has a shell, extended, and more flexible, which covers the lesion and this allows a good distribution of the compression. The Aequi Flex is therefore particularly recommended in the treatment of lesions acute of the ankle.

  • Treatment injury acute of the lateral ligaments of the ankle
  • Post treatment of a treatment-conservative or operative fracture of the ankle
  • Serious (residual) instability
  • Arthrosis with instability
  • Secondary prevention of a lesion of the ligaments of the ankle

The band is functional can be placed easily depending on the extent of the edema in the phase (sub) acute. Additional compression is provided by the 2 elastic bands clamped individually around the joint.

The movements of inversion and eversion is limited appropriately, so that the freedom of movement is sufficient in dorsal flexion and plantar. Thus, the normal mobility of the foot is not restricted when walking. The use of flexible material ensures maximum comfort for the user.

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