A new digital system in a simple 1-to-9 facilitates the choice of the product. Most incontinence is severe, the more the number is high.
The anatomical layers Look Discrete are discrete and ideal for incontinence mild-to-moderate. In addition to the present assortment of Look Discrete (anatomical layers very discrete), there are, at present, also Look Soft.
Expect Discrete keeps the skin dry thanks to the upper layer dry-weave. The layer anatomical Look Soft has been designed for women who appreciate comfort really optimal. Expect Soft is made of materials superdoux and superflexibles and also has a top layer soft and pleasant to the skin. Look Discrete and Expect Soft have the same core absorbing.
Wait - Mini Discrete 1 and App Mini 1+
This layer presents the dimensions of a small sanitary napkin. Its anatomical shape makes it comfortable to wear. The superabsorbent fixed the moisture and prevents leakage.
Suitable for women suffering from urinary incontinence mild (occasional loss of a few drops). The layer is fixed to the underwear via an adhesive strip.