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Creatine stimulates muscle growth and improves performance during efforts brief and intense.
A favorable effect is obtained from 3g per day.
Suggested use: Mix each day 3g (=1 scoop) of powder with ?150ml of water for 8-12 consecutive weeks.
To get faster results, take 18g (3x2 scoops) per day for 5-7 days. After 10-12 weeks of employment in a row, a break of 4-6 weeks is recommended.
Preferably to be taken after exertion and/or in combination with a meal, snack or drink rich in carbohydrates and/or proteins.
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string(41) "Avis : 6d Sixd Creatine Creapure Pdr 300g"
string(84) "Good product very pure
And the most important with the informed sport logo "
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Good product very pure
And the most important with the informed sport logo ŝpan>