Quies A/ronflement Miel-citron Past A Sucer 12



Prix Selfpharma: €14.80
(tax incl.) €12.23 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product
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  • Product not recommended in cases of sleep apnea.
  • Taste is citrus, taste honey or lemon to taste mint & eucalyptus. No preservatives or sweeteners.
  • Lozenges to suck anti-snoring Quies limit these vibrations of sound. Their active agents in a base of xanthan gum and extracts, natural plant lubricate the back of the throat, reducing snoring at night*.
  • Their formula is resistant to swallowing thanks to a complex organic adhesive and a slow-releasing guarantees an action throughout the night.

**76% of snorers who have tested the pellets were satisfied. Study conducted for 3 weeks in July 2008 on 33 big snorers between the ages of 18 to 65 years, under the supervision of a doctor, pulmonologist. (Study PROCLAIM N° TNH013/VT2361)*

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