Leppin Glutappin Caps 180



Prix Selfpharma: €75.20
(tax incl.) €70.94 (tax excl.)
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This complex contains a set of nutrients that are essential for the regeneration and protection of the intestinal mucosa. Glutamine and zinc to promote multiplication of the intestinal cells (enterocytes[1-2]) and complete the butyrate used by the colonocytes inducing flora are anti-inflammatory (decrease of colopathies). They have been shown to be very useful in the restoration of the barrier the digestive tract in order to avoid the passage of unwanted proteins insufficiently digested[3] (food intolerances, endotoxins, etc). Polyphenols added (anthocyanins, pycgnogénol) as well as vitamin A is A natural antioxidant, protect the mucosa and reduce the intestinal inflammation. Finally, potent anti-inflammatory curcuminoiïdes[4], and the inhibition of COX2 as well as the effect of anti-adhesion of white blood cells of the brominated wool (effect on the membrane of the molecules before the kinases)[5] are involved in the protocol overall anti-inflammatory of the intestines.
L-glutamine 1500mg, capsule shell : gelatin, Bromelain 2500g of/g 150mg; bulking agent : rice starch; Biocurcumin (BCM-95) 100mg (of which curcuminoids 95%) extract of bilberry 100mg (which anthocyanosies 25%), extract of grape seed 100mg (including MUTUAL funds 95%), Beta-carotene 20% 30mg (Pro-Vit A = 125%*), zinc citrate (Zn 32%) 69mg (221%*). Reference intake*

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