Bional Proslavit Caps 80



Prix Selfpharma: €29.99
(tax incl.) €28.29 (tax excl.)
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Proslavit® is a dietary supplement especially designed to the natural balance of the aging male. Proslavit® does not only contains oil of seeds of pumpkin, nettle root, maritime pine, tea Java and echinacea pale, but also of the sabal. *Extract of sabal supports the maintenance of urinary function normal men over 45 years of age.

Daily reference intake

2 capsules per day taken with a glass of water, for a month. And then 1 capsule per day, according to need.


Pumpkin seed oil (32%) ; gelatin ; gelling agent : glycerin ; extract of nettle (7%) ; sunflower oil ; magnesium oxide ; extract of the maritime pine (4,5%) ; tea extract of Java (3,8%) ; stabilizer : beeswax ; zinc gluconate ; emulsifier : sunflower lecithin ; dyes : iron oxide, titanium dioxide, extract of echinacea pale (1,5%) ; d-alphatocophérol ; extract of saw palmetto (0.2 per cent).

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