A.Vogel Spray Toux Grasse 30ml



Prix Selfpharma: €12.49
(tax incl.) €11.78 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product

A cough that is caused by the presence of mucus thick and tenacious, which is deposited in the throat and the respiratory tract. If in normal times, the cough is the most effective method for clearing the respiratory tract, in the presence of mucus and soil, it produces only a little effect. The spray against the cough that A. Vogel thins quickly and efficiently phlegm, which lets you more easily eliminated by the cough. The spray deposits a protective coating in the throat, which softens and calms the cough.

Honey, Water, Extracts of Thyme, common, Extract of common Ivy, Licorice, potassium Sorbate, peppermint Oil, Laurate of sucrose, and Stevioside. A. Vogel Spray cough is a natural product. Because of the weather and the time of the harvest, the flavor and the color may vary slightly.

Adults: 6 times 3 sprays per day.
Children from 4 to 12 years old: 6 times 1 to 2 sprays per day.
Use by children under the supervision of an adult.

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