Will Pharma ANTEDIA Gel 250 mg 50 Gélules
Will-PharmaANTEDIA® is recommended to preserve and strengthen the intestinal flora
ANTEDIA® is presented in the form of capsules that contain a large number of Saccharomyces boulardii living ($5 billion). These natural micro-organisms that are part of the probiotics and help to maintain the natural balance of the intestinal flora.
A flora balanced is in large part made up of organisms that are indispensable to the protection and the proper functioning of the gastro-intestinal tract. Its balance can be disrupted by a change in dietary habits.
ANTEDIA® is recommended to preserve and strengthen the intestinal flora. It is particularly recommended in cases of loose stools.
The recommended amount is 2 capsules per day.
5 billion of Saccharomyces boulardii per capsule.