VSM Kaloban Sirop 100 ml


Against the common cold.

Prix Selfpharma: €9.62
(tax incl.) €9.08 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product

Do not administer Kaloban syrup to children less than 1 year, due to lack of data for
this age.

It is desirable to exclude an underlying pathology possible with young children.

In the instruction leaflet for the patient it is advised to consult his or her physician immediately if one does not perceive improvement within one week, if you have a persistent fever, in the event of lack of breath or if you notice blood in the mucus.

Adults and children from 12 years:
7.5 ml of syrup, 3 times per day

Children aged 6 to 12 years:
5 ml syrup, 3 times per day

Children aged 1 to 5 years:
2.5 ml syrup, 3 times per day

It is advisable to take the syrup in the morning, noon, and night.

The treatment lasts 7 days on average. To prevent a relapse, it is recommended decontinuer the treatment for a few days when the symptoms subside.

The treatment should not exceed 3 weeks.

100 g (=93,985 ml) of syrup contains 0,2506 g of liquid extract from dried root of Pelargonium sidoides (1:8 – 10) (EPs® 7630).
The agent of extraction: 11% ethanol (m/m).

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