
Prix Selfpharma: €14.95
(tax incl.) €14.10 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product

1 tablet cont. : Staphysagria D4 45 mg; Apis mellifica D4 30 mg, Spigelia anthelmia D6 60 mg; Natrium chloratum D6 30 mg; Aethiops mineralis D8 15 mg; Hepar sulphuris calcareum D12, Rhus toxicodendron D12 60 mg each.

Homeopathic preparation which assists in the treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystite (particularly chronic forms).

Side effects : in very rare cases, gastro-intestinal disorders or cutaneous reactions may occur, even several days after use.
Risk statements : follow up of a doctor is necessary before administering to babies (0 to 12 months).

Adults (12 years and older), in general, 1 tablet 3 times per day. In acute cases, 1 tablet every ½ to 1 hour, up to 12 times per day.
Children (6 to 11 years), in general, 1 tablet 2 times per day. In acute cases, 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hours, up to 8 times per day.
Young children (1 to 5 years), in general, ½ tablet 3 times per day. In acute cases, 1 tablet every 1 to 2 hours, up to 6 times per day.

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