Unda Complexe N14 20ml Unda

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Prix Selfpharma: €10.36
(tax incl.) €9.77 (tax excl.)
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The field of application relates to the pathogénésie homeopathic components; it includes the adjuvant setting, in the subject anergique, of the infectious conditions and chronic inflammatory etiology of tb.
DOSAGE for adults : 5 drops 3 times per day or as directed by your prescriber, directly on the tongue or in a little water. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. In children 2 to 12 years of age : Do not administer without medical advice. Do not exceed 5 drops per dose. Observe an interval of at least 4 hours between 2 doses.
Eucalyptus globulus 4X - Inula helenium 4X - Columbo 4X - Camphora 4X - Argentum metallicum 12X - Aurum metallicum 12X - Cuprum metallicum 12X - Ethanolum, aqua purificata.

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