100 ml cont. : Salicylicium benzoicum e resina D3, Arnica montana D3, Echinacea D3, Lycopersicum esculentum D3, Mercurialis perennis D3 5 g each; Apis mellifica D4, Baptisia tinctoria D4, Dulcamara D4, Eucalyptus globulus D4, Solanum nigrum D4 10 g each; Bryonia D4, Colchicum autumnale D4, Eupatorium cannabinum D4 5 g each; Rhus toxicodendron D6 10 g.
Localized Inflammation and general (sub) acute and (sub) chronic.
Contra-indications : hypersensitivity to tomatoes, to plants of the daisy family (Asteraceae (e.g. Arnica)) or to the grass
smart. Do not take if you are pregnant.
Risk phrases : contains 35 vol. -% alcohol. The monitoring of a doctor is necessary before administering to babies (0 to 2 years).
Adults (12 years and older), in general, 10 drops 3 times per day. In acute cases, 10 drops every ½ to 1 hour, up to 12 times per day.
Children (6 to 12 years), in general, 7 drops 3 times per day. In acute cases, 7 drops every ½ to 1 hour, up to 12 times per day.
Young children (2 to 6 years), in general, 5 drops 3 times per day.
In acute cases, 5 drops every ½ to 1 hour, up to 12 times per day.