Xylocaine 5% Pommade 35g



Prix Selfpharma: €6.98
(tax incl.) €6.58 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product

Xylocaine 5%is a anesthésiquelocal(anaesthetic the groupeamide).

Xylocaine 5%may utiliséchezlesadulteset lesenfants detoutâge:

- Pourcalmer the pain caused by desécorchures, hemorrhoids, sore nipples, lezonaaigu, lesaffections inoperable the anus, rectum,etc

- In application on the skin and muqueusesavant interventions diagnostiqueset therapeutic painful.

- Lasubstanceactiveest lalidocaïne. 1 g of pommadecontient 50 mg delidocaïne.

- Lesautrescomposants are: propylene glycol, macrogol 1500, macrogol 3350 eteau purified.

Xylocaine 5%, ointment, causes uneanesthésierapideet deep mucous or excess skin injured, but probably to a very limited extent on the intact skin. The absorption is faster after administration into the trachea(intratracheal administration). After application of Xylocaine 5%ointment on the mucous membranes of the mouth, the effect begins within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. After application to the anal mucosa or rectal, the effect often begins in 5 minutes.

After a maximum dose in the trachea or application on mucous membranes, it fautattendre at least 4 hours prior to application

After a maximum dose in the rectum or applied on burns, it is necessary to wait at least 8 hours before the next application.

The maximum total dose administered over 24 hours in healthy adult should not exceed 20 g.

You can use Xylocaine 5% chezla elderly person without reducing the dose.

Xylocaine 5% should be administered with prudenceaux patients who have a lesion at the level of mucous membrane. In subjects
debilitated or severely ill patients with sepsis, in cases of severe hepatic disease or insufficiency
heart, the doses administered must be reduced according to the weight and the physical condition of the patient.

In dentistry, during the application onto the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, previously dried, it takes at least 2 - 3 minutes before that
analgesia will not occur.

For sore nipples, apply the ointment on a piece of gauze. Wash the nipple to get rid of the
ointment before the next feeding.

Use in children

In children under 12 years of age, the maximum dose is 0.1 g per kilogram of body weight per application (matching 5 mg
of lidocaine per kilogram of body weight). The minimum interval between doses is 8 hours.

The dose must be adapted in children aged over 12 years and weighing less than 25 kg. The doses are adapted to their weight and
their physical state.

a href="https://app.fagg-afmps.be/pharma-status/api/files/62bc76921e5c015ab3fa2cff?version=10">https://app.fagg-afmps.be/pharma-status/api/files/62bc76921e5c015ab3fa2cff?version=10

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