SMELL Hygiene of the nose can be used for the hygiene of the nose, and adjunctive treatment of the common cold and allergic rhinitis.
In the infant from 1 month and the child.
100% sea water, naturally rich in mineral salts and oligo-elements : magnesium, copper, gold, silver, sulphur, selenium, manganese,...
SMELL Hygiene of the nose is a nasal solution isotonic, sterile and preservative-free.
See our page Council : Cleaning of the nose of the Baby, mode of employment.
SMELL Hygiene of the nose can be used in all positions.
Gently ease the tip into the nostril until the flange of security
Exert a pressure on the tip
1 spray in each nostril 2 to 3 times per day before meals
Clean the nozzle with hot water after each use