Novalac Premium 2 Poudre 800g



Prix Selfpharma: €18.99
(tax incl.) €17.92 (tax excl.)
block Out-of-Stock
You can order: 3 quantity of this product

skim milk, whole milk, maltodextrin, corn starch, vegetable oils (such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil), galacto-oligosaccharides from milk, lactose, emulsifier (soya lecithin), vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin K1, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, niacin, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid), sodium chloride, tricalcium phosphate, magnesium chloride, natural aroma of vanilla, fish oil, potassium hydroxide, iron sulphate, inositol, vanillin, ethyl, calcium hydroxide, and nucleotides (CMP, UMP, AMP, IMP, CMP), zinc sulphate, citrate, tricalcium, antioxidants (tocopherols), potassium iodide, copper sulfate, selenate of sodium, sulphate of manganese.

Composition per 100 ml to 13 %:
protein 2 g (casein 1.6 g, whey 0.4 g), fat 2.5 g (linoleic acid 600 mg, alpha-linolenic acid 68,3 mg, docosahexaenoic acid, 8.6 mg), carbohydrate 7.4 g (lactose 3,77 g, maltodextrins 3.48 g, dextrose 0.15 g, galacto-oligosaccharides 0.5 g), minerals (Na 34,5 mg, K 104,7 mg, Cl 81,9 mg, Ca 84,5 mg, P 60,5 mg, Mg 8.2 mg, Fe 1 mg, Zn 0.6 mg, I and 1.65 µg, Cu 45,5 µg, Min 4.6 ág, 1.3 µg), vitamins (vitamin A were 70.2 µg-ER (equivalent to retinol), vitamin B1 78 µg, vitamin B2, 130 µg, vitamin B6 91 mcg, vitamin B12 0.3 µg, vitamin C 7.8 mg, vitamin D3 1 mcg, vitamin E 0.5 mg vitamin K1 3.9 µg, biotin 2 mg, niacin 1.6 mg, folic acid 15.6 mg, pantothenic acid 0.3 mg), choline 7.8 mg, inositol 6.5 mg, nucleotides 1.9 mg.

Energy value: 60,5 kcal = 252,7 kJ.
Novalac Premium 2 is a growing-up milk specially formulated for children. The dietary needs of your child change as he grows and develops. We strongly recommend that you give it at least 500 ml of Novalac Premium 2 (hot or cold) per day.

Prebiotics (GOS): the galacto-oligosaccharides stimulate selectively the growth of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. This results in a stimulation of the intestinal flora and, by extension, an improvement of the stools of the infant;
LCP/LCPUFA (= Long Chain Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids = long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids to long-chain): docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is important for a better development of visual acuity and of the infant's brain;
Nucleotides: are the basic elements of DNA. To ensure that the infant suffers less often from diarrhea. In addition, the nucleotides would promote the reactivity of the antibody in case of vaccination;
Addition of sugar: dextrose.

1 measuring scoop = 4.3 g per 30 ml of water. 3 mesurettes + 90 ml water = 100 ml of food at 13 %.
First warm the water up to a maximum temperature of 40 °C. Subsequently, add the powder and mix well/shake.
Directly give the bottle and do not hesitate to immediately discard any leftover milk from the bottle if it has not been consumed completely in a single meal. Do not reuse leftover bottle not finished! The bottle should be drunk within the hour after it was prepared.
Do not add sugar.
Keep the box in a cool place, and sec. to Ensure that it is always properly closed!
Use within 3 weeks after opening.
Expiry Date mentioned on the box.

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