The Purification of the body by stimulating the functions of evacuation.
Sarsaparillae fdr 5 %, Lappae rad 7 %, Fumariae herb 7 %, Parietariae herb 6 %, Saponariae herb 6 %, Sennae fol 20 %, Frangulae cort 7 %, Liquiritiae rad 18 %, Menthae pip herb 12 %, Malvae fl 1 %, Calendulae fl 1 %, Foeniculi fruitful and successful discussions. 3 %, Anisi stell fruitful and successful discussions. 3 %, Angelicae stip 4 % per tea bag of 2.2 g.
1 cup of tea after the main meal. If necessary, repeat this dose.