Lavandin Super Huile Essentielle Bio 10ml Biover
Lavandin is a cross spicy lavender, true lavender and aspic with a smell that is invigorating.
Lavandin is a natural hybrid between true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lavender spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia). Lavandin has the same properties as true lavender but is more penetrating and has a stronger smell. Lavandin soothes in case of mental tension and sustained effort. Lavandin is also used for the care of the skin and muscles before (as preparation) or after (as relaxation) a physical effort.
Oral : 1 drop, 1 time per day .
Latin name : Lavandula hybrida clone super
Body producer (o. p.) : luminary flower
Specificity biochemical (s. b.) : linalool
Method of production : steam distillation of water
Essential oil 100% pure and natural lavandin super.
Other possibilities of use
Dermal : a few drops locally or several drops diluted in a base oil.
Diffusion : pure or with other essential oils.