Herbes Suedois + Camphre90,2g Pharmafl
Mix the contents of the packaging in a 1 litre of gin and leave to infuse. This gives you a typical preparation in order to reach the age of 100 years (according to the myth). In fact, it is simply a laxative.
The name \"Schwedentranck\" was imported by the Swedish troops in Germany during the Thirty Years war (1618-1648). This is the name given at that time to be an elixir of medicinal herbs Swedish troops used for all purposes possible. Later, the doctor Hjärn saw the value of this elixir \"Schwedentranck\" for the capital health of the human being. He died in 1724 at the age of 104 years. The doctor Hjärn recommends in his writings to use the \"Schwedentranck\" as a preventive measure to maintain health, and to prolong the duration of life.
Aloe extract 0.9 g, Fol. sennae 2 g, Manna cannelata (mannit 80 %) 1 g Myrrha (myrrh) 0.3 g, Rad. angelicae 1,25 g, Rad. carlinae 1 g, Rad. gentianae 0.5 g, Rhiz. rhei 1.2 g, Rhiz. zedoariae 1.2 g, Camphora (camphor) 0.04 g, Crocus sat. 0.01 g, Elect. Theriacale s. op. To 0.3 g.
The formula without camphor is typical for those who are proponents of a homeopathic formula.