Phytosun Thyme Linalol ORGANIC 5 ML Helps, e. a. to: soften the throat soothe the respiratory tract
Prix Selfpharma: €15.99
(tax incl.) €13.21 (tax excl.)
You can order: 3 quantity of this product

Phytosun invites you to discover the valuable properties of its Essential Oils (H. E.) :soothing , are the ones, rebalancing, purifying - The range of uses is vast, but one must keep in mind that each and every H. E. has specific properties, it is a substance very pure and concentrated that demands precautions for use and, whenever necessary, the advice of a health professional.

Phytosun Arôms offers exclusively H. E. Botanically and Biochemically Defined. The quality criteria of H. E. B. B. D. specify that the H. E. are 100% pure and natural, only from the distillation of aromatic plants, guaranteed not amended or diluted, non-déterpénées, non-rectified and non-reconstituted. Each batch of H. E. undergoes a rigorous control of : botanical species, geographic origin, mode of cultivation (conventional, wild, organic), organ, producer, mode of extraction (cold press or distillation), specific biochemical and composition (as determined by a gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometry) and the proportion of the various components (determined by a gas chromatograph/flame ionization detector). Quality and traceability are indispensable.

Essential oil of scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

  • Origin: Europe
  • Body producer: needles
  • Specificity biochemical: pinènes, limonene, -myrcene, camphene, cadinene

Helps, e. a. to:

  • purify the air
  • clear the airways

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