Optiseptyl Nettoyant Oculaire 60ml



Prix Selfpharma: €11.45
(tax incl.) €9.46 (tax excl.)
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In dogs and cats:

Cleaning of the eyes, eyelids and eye contours.

Elimination of the pocket conjunctival and corneal of the following elements: secretions, pu, dust, scabs (dirt in the corners of the eyes/poop-eye), foreign objects are not sharp, and other irritating substances.

Cleaning of eyes in starting a medical treatment in cases of eye infections.

Aqueous Solution with a base of boric acid, zinc sulphate, benzalkonium chloride, EDTA and distilled water.

Lift the lower eyelid and instill 5 to 6 drops of product into the pouch conjunctival of the eye. Then, massage the eyelid gently making small movement circular in order to remove/eliminate the impurities.

Cleaning of the contours of the eyes, using a cotton swab impregnated with Optiseptyl.

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