
Prix Selfpharma: €32.96
(tax incl.) €27.24 (tax excl.)
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You can order: 3 quantity of this product

Our fish oil is composed of 62% omega-3 fatty acids including 390 mg EPA, 160 mg DHA and 20 mg ETA per ml. EPA is THE product of omega-3 against itching due to an allergy, and against too much, the fur dries, the dandruff, the hair coat is dull, shedding, the hairs fragile and lick it. The contribution of a very high amount of vitamin E ensures optimum protection against skin infections. Because of this Doils Skin is a fantastic product for the hair and skin of your dog. The day to day administration assistance to heal the allergies of your dog, to improve it or to keep it under control. Doils Skin can be used with any other type of medication and may even decrease this medication or render it useless.

For dogs with skin conditions and allergies

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